K518PRO - Lonsdor K518 PRO Pełna konfiguracja
K518PRO - Lonsdor K518 PRO Pełna konfiguracja

K518PRO - Lonsdor K518 PRO Pełna konfiguracja

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Product Information




The K518 PRO, the 2nd generation product of the K518, is a versatile key programming device released by Lonsdor, designed specifically for technicians and programmers.

Integrated with all the features and functions of its predecessor,

this tablet shows more advantages and functionality, including:

adjustment of the odometer,

remote / intelligent key generation,


identification and copying of chips,

generating keys chips,

remote frequency detection,

ignition coil detection,

Toyota smart key settings,

update with one click,

push function etc.

Korzyści wraz z zakupem tego produktu:

1. 2 lata bezpłatnej aktualizacji online, po 2 latach koszt aktualizacji będzie następujący:

    Usługa aktualizacji po raz pierwszy ($480)   

    Usługa aktualizacji po raz drugi ($360)

    Usługa aktualizacji po raz trzeci ($ 200) 

2. Bezpłatna aktywacja Toyota AKL / licencja JLR / licencja Nissan / licencja Volvo

3. Wersja globalna: Obsługuje marki indyjskie, malezyjskie itp

4. Wbudowana funkcja inteligentnego symulatora LKE. Interfejs anteny SIMU

5. Nowo dodaj protokoły Can-FD i DOIP. Obsługuje modele GM CAN FD 2021-2023

6. Dodaje programowanie VAG MLB Key

7.Dodaje programowanie VAG MLB Key

8. Obsługa wielu języków: angielski, turecki, portugalski, francuski, rosyjski, hiszpański, włoski, niemiecki, szwedzki, hebrajski, birmański

9. Pobierz bezpłatny inteligentny klucz LT20 2szt, kabel Toyota FP30, kabel Nissan 40 BCM, kabel JCD FCA 12 8 FCA, kabel JLR i adapter ADP-15, inteligentny generator kluczy Bluetooth


Immobilization: Mechanical key program / smart key / remote control etc. Supports most car models on the market, regular updates of new models

Adjusting the odometer: Diagnostics and mileage correction

Generate remote/smart: Generate smart key/remote/remote control garage door

Adapter: Read and write EEPROM / CPU main controller, read EEPROM PIN code, etc.

Special functions: Identify and copy key circuit, generate key circuit, detect remote frequency, simulate circuit, decode circuit, detect ignition coil, key settings, access control card, etc.

Push Feature: Move the designated feature app to the user, which will be automatically disabled when it expires. Contact us to get a feature not yet activated

OBD II converter: OBD connector light can be turned on/off

Special features:

Generate key chip: Support 4D, 46, 48, 7935, 8A and more generations of key chips

Identify and copy the chip: Identify the information and status of almost all car key chips available on the market

Remote generation: Remote key frequency detection

Simulate circuit: Mainly LKE functions, include: 4D46/8A circuit simulation, LKE binding and getting information about LKE etc

Decoding chip: Support for 46 and 4D circuit decoding

Ignition coil Detect: if the coil has a signal, also specify the type of key in the AKL state

Key settings: Lonsdor smart key set, LT20 series

Unlock key: Unlock Toyota 8A smart key

Access control card: Identify and copy IC/ID card

The advantages of software and hardware:

Fashionable design of tablet with carrying frame, better user experience;

Based on Android 9, more optimized operation;

With four-core A7, the most powerful computing power, 2 times larger than A33;

Excellent and powerful ultra-high power consumption ratio;

The first to support 8A generation (H chip);

Added support for CANFD and DoIP protocols.

More comprehensive features based on K518;

Supports most of the car models on the market, including luxury, domestic and popular cars;

Network program/PIN/OBD, not required for most models;

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