FLEX_FULL-SLAVE.M - MagicMotorSport FLEX FULL - Slave version with pre-assigned Master
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Product Information
Device designed for new users who do not have MagPro2 x17
The Master is already included in this offer! There is no free change option.
FLEX is an innovative tool for automotive workshops that fully supports the latest developments in automotive tuning and repair. Flex has about 6,000 controllers in its database.
By purchasing your Flex device in the full software version, you have access to all supported drivers and devices at once.
In the Flex Full set you will find such elements as:
- FLX3.5 x1 pcs. Cabling set: Color-coded wiring harness;
- FLK4.2 x1 pcs Adapter set: 6 pcs Pin adapters;
- FLX1.1 x1 FLEX Base Module;
- FLX1.9 x1 pcs. FlexBox Module for FLEX Device;
- FLX2.10 x1 pcs. OBD: FLEX to CAN/Kline RED connection cable;
- FLX2.11 x1 pcs. OBD: FLEX to ENET GREEN;
- FLX3.9 x1 pcs. USB 2.0 AM-BM BLK 1.8m connection cable;
- FLX4.9 x1 pcs. Power supply 110-240V 14V 5A;
- FLX3.3 x1 pcs. FlexBox port C to NEC 7F00 XX;
- FLX3.4 x1 FlexBox port D cable to BDM MPC5xx;
- FLX4.1 x1 pcs. FlexBox E 40 pin adapter for FLX3.5;
- FLX9.1 x1 pcs. Flex & FlexBox diagnostic adapter;
Software included in Flex Full:
- FLS0.1S - Software Flex ECU OBD Bench
- FLS0.2S – Software Flex TCU OBD Bench
- FLS0.3S – Software Flex Motorola MPC5xx
- FLS0.4S - Software Flex Nexus MPC5xxx
- FLS0.6S - Software Flex Renesas SH7xxxx
- FLS0.9S – Software Flex NEC 76F00xx –
- FLS0.10S – Infineon TC17xx Software
Różnice między wersją Master a Slave
Myśląc o kupnie wersji Slave pamiętaj ! :
- odczytanie pliki są zakodowane i tylko przypisany master może je odkodować
- nie masz dostępu do zielonych monet
- chcąc przejść na wersje Master lub zmienić osobę pod którą "podpięte" jest urządzenie musisz mieć jego zgodę
OBD | bench | Boot |
Get access to the most popular standard OBDs, including:
Connecting the controllers and gearbox on the table has never been easier. The detailed instructions will guide you step by step to the correct connection! Available for:
In boot mode, you will have access to:
FLex FULL - wersja Slave z Maste
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